My Next Career: YouTube Beauty Blogger

I have developed a new past time.....YouTube beauty blogs.  Now before you think I am vain, let me explain.  I am almost 50, my skin is changing and giving me new challenges, and I want to look nice for my husband...and for myself.  I want to look like I am not “letting myself go” and like I’m “doing the best with what I have.”  So I figured YouTube might be just the place to find what I was looking for.  I looked up bloggers for mature skin - searches like that - and I found a few that I enjoy watching and learning from.  So I’ve been experimenting with their ideas -
trying to find products that hydrate the skin,
looking for ways to hide the crepe-y skin around my eyes,
how not to emphasize the fine lines and wrinkles....
all good stuff.  It’s not like I need to be a beauty queen, but I just want to look the best I can with what I’ve been given.

I thought those were my biggest challenges - aging skin - but the reality is that those concerns seem minor now.  No one creates YouTube videos on what to do when you are taking chemo pills -
”How to apply eye makeup when your eyes are so puffy you can’t see out of them,”
“Concealer is your best friend when your blood vessels are bursting under the fine skin by your eyes,”
“How to contour your face so it looks thinner when your face is retaining water like a sponge,”
Nope, can’t find those videos out there anywhere.  And I am NOT going to make them for women like myself either - I might be transparent but I’m not THAT transparent!  A close up of my burst blood vessel right in the inner corner of my eye would probably cause me to lose viewers, not gain them.

As I was applying make up this morning, or trying to apply make up, it was a reminder again.  Although it is nice to want to look like I take care of myself, that is not what ultimately matters.  Because you just can’t fix enough of those body parts to look perfect.  What I can work on is how I choose to handle this.  I didn’t choose Leukemia.  I couldn’t have found enough YouTube videos on how to avoid this chromosomal form of Leukemia and truth is, they wouldn’t have helped.  This is the plan ... and now the only choice I have is how I am going to respond to the plan.  I am going to take the chemo pills - because they are the path when you choose to live.  And I am going to choose to let God shine through my disease.  But I am also going to be honest because I am also human.  This isn’t the path I would have chosen for myself.....EVER.....but I know God’s plan is the best plan for me...and I don’t doubt that......EVER.

Hebrews 13:20-21:
20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.


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